Looking for resources to become a better partner for your speech therapy dog? Or maybe you need a little inspiration to get started in animal-assisted interventions? Check out these great options.

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Animal-Assisted Therapy Books and DVDs

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Need the research to support your work with a therapy dog? This is the source for the science behind animal-assisted interventions and an overview of many types of programs in which professionals are using therapy animals to improve human well-being.

Do you know what your therapy dog is trying to tell you? This comprehensive video covers signs of stress and enjoyment expressed by dogs using video clips of many different breeds. Keep your clients and speech therapy dog safe and comfortable by learning dog body language. To stream, click here.

Want to geek out on dog behavior topics? While I especially love the chapter on socialization (complete with a socialization “hit list”), each chapter looks at how dogs learn and process the world differently than humans.

Know what to do if a client has some anxiety about meeting your speech therapy dog? Great information about helping kids develop resilience, teaching how to watch dog body language, and what families can do to help ease a child’s fears meeting unfamiliar dogs.

How do I find the TIME to include a therapy dog?!? While this book is pretty dense and takes some work to apply to speech therapy, it’s the best resource I’ve found for learning efficiency strategies to reduce time spent on non-billable tasks.

Worried about resource guarding in your speech therapy dog? A very thorough exploration of the topic with detailed advice for desensitizing dogs as well putting in management practices for less severe cases.

Curious about the rising trend of incorporating therapy dogs into classrooms? With a critical look at current research, plenty of practical considerations, and descriptions of therapy dog programs around the world, this book is must read if you work in schools.

Looking for ideas of tricks that can add some excitement to your animal-assisted therapy? With eye-catching photos and step-by-step teaching steps, this book delivers!

Looking for an inspirational read about the human-animal bond? This biography shows how a service cat improved the life of both a child with special needs and her entire family.

Need more inspirational reading? Find out how a bond with a special horse led a family on a journey halfway around the world to help their child with autism. For the documentary, click here.

Curious what happened to Rowan after the Horse Boy was written? Follow his family’s journeys as animals of many species play a role in his development and inspire animal-assisted therapy for other children with special needs.

Need ideas for behavior management ? My go-to resource when I need to troubleshoot a therapy dog training challenge. Not specific to dogs, but the science and art of teaching new behaviors in general. Includes humorous examples and stories for entertainment mixed with education.

Need general information about anxiety-based client behavior? Though not about therapy dogs, this book helps clinicians analyze underlying causes of challenging behavior and work with kids to develop more productive coping strategies that could be worked into animal-assisted interventions.